It is an international exhibition with 60 years of experience, which focuses on providing organic products to the French market.

У Франції, лише 6% закладів харчування, мають органічну продукцію, замість 20%, передбачених Elagim Act, так що є над чим працювати.

The international dimension of the exhibition has increased since the pause of COVID-19. About 30% of exhibitors came from outside France.
Ukraine is participating in Natexpo for the first time, and the French are pleasantly surprised that despite the war, we are working, developing and expanding the geography of organic products.
In France, only 6% of food establishments have organic products, instead of the 20% stipulated by the Elagim Act, so there is work to be done.
Despite the policy of protectionism and the support of the local French producer, the organic market is changing and interest in other producers of organic products is growing, and Ukrainian organics are no exception.
We thank the NAZOVNI platform for helping us organize our participation at the "NATEXPO 2023" exhibition and everyone involved.

Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine that we can work and proudly call ourselves Ukrainians at the international level!