In 2010, in the Gulsk village Novohrad-Volynskyi district was created an innovative European-style dairy complex with a capacity of 500 dairy herds for develop organic livestock and restore the Simmental dairy and meat breed in Polissya. For this purpose, in the same year, 404 heads of breeding heifers of the Swiss breed Simmental were imported from the Czech Republic. That was the beginning!
As a result of purposeful breeding work and the use of the best world fund of Czech selection, the company Galeks-Agro has acquired the status livestock breeding farm for breeding Simmental dairy and beef cattle.
Today, the company’s increase in livestock was carried by own reproduction.
The farms accounts 5,000 cattle, of which 1,294 are dairy cattle.
The main features of the Simmental breed are high milk and meat productivity of animals: 5.5 – 7.5 thousand liters per lactation, high fat content of 4.0-4.5% and protein content of 3.3-3.6 %. The annual yield from one cow is 7325 kg. The average daily yield from a cow is 22-26 liters of milk, which is an excellent indicator for Simmental cows.
Mature Simmental cows weigh 650-700 kg, and breeding bulls up to 1300 kg. Calves are born with a live weight of 35-45 kg, well fattened, have a high growth rate, at 6 months the animals reach a live weight of 200-240 kg, which makes it possible at an earlier age to put them on rearing and fattening. Bulls at 12 months age weigh 400-420 kg, up to 18 months 500-600 kg, and an average daily gain of 950-1200 g. Carcass yield of meat in youngsters 50-55%, in mature – 65%.
By a specially developed technology (obtaining marble meat) of intensive feeding of fattening bulls on, we got the daily-average 950-1200 g. In addition, we grow heifers with an average daily gain of 650-700g, then in the 14 months of age we got live weight of 410-420 kg and subsequent mating in the future. Therefore, to improve the reproductive capacity of animals and to maintain their health, cattle are in the free range in summer time.
Another area of livestock breading is the breeding of Hungarian pigs – Mangalitsa. Mature pigs can reach 300 kg live weight. Mangalitsa pigs have dietary meat, which contains easily digestible iron, substances that prevent the formation of cholesterol, more unsaturated acids and vitamins, has anticancer properties!
Meat and fat products are considered a delicacy and are recognized worldwide.
Advantages of this breed:
endurance and unpretentiousness
strong immunity
Today the population is about 2000 heads and is constantly growing.
Organic livestock breading involves:
organic feed base
free range not less than 230 days a year;
bar on the use of antibiotics;
free access to water, food and place for the rest 24 hours a day
Production of finished organic products is carried out at our own processing plants:
dairy products Organic Milk – has been operating since 2014.
meat and sausage products Organic Meat – has been operating since 2017
Organic Milk and Organic Meat complete the product chain “farm-to- table”.
We do not change our views and continue to improve the quality of consumers’s life through the production of healthy and safe organic products.